Your first chiropractic appointment at Willow Bend Chiropractic is the first day of orientation to a healthy body. As with any doctor visit, the first line of business is to get your personal information and verify your insurance. To save time and gas, we have included our new patient paperwork on our website; you can complete online and submit or bring it with you when you come.

Patient-Doctor Consultation

After Dr. Heptig or Dr. Son look over your medical information, one of these professionally trained chiropractors will go over your medical history. During this time, the doctor will ask questions about your previous and current medical condition and the problems that you might be experiencing at the time. At this time, you can express your expectations of treatment, share any concerns and ask any questions. After your consultation, we will either begin your treatment or schedule a consultation to start your recovery.

Time to Check You Out

Depending on your injury, the doctor might order one or several tests and examinations. You can expect a full chiropractic examination of your from head to toe. This includes checking your:

  • Spine
  • Reflexes
  • Postural
  • Neurological
  • Bone structure

What Do the Exams Reveal?

X-rays and MRIs can confirm or rule out any suspicions. Once the tests are read, the chiropractor will go over the results and customize an individual treatment plan, based on your condition. X-rays can reveal hidden conditions that may reveal the true cause of your injury or pain. Most people affected by chronic pain might be unaware of the underlying cause or causes.

Starting Your Treatment

The sooner you start your first treatment, the better you will feel. Therefore, the first treatment may begin at the conclusion of the examination, following the reading of the report findings. This may consist of a spinal manipulation or adjustment, a myofascial release, therapeutic exercises, soft tissue therapies or a combination of treatments.

Schedule Your Consultation with Willow Bend Chiropractic Today

At Willow Bend Chiropractic, we know you could have chosen anyone else. We are glad you trust our Plano office for your treatment and care. Be sure to call our office at 972-600-2144 and schedule your initial appointment. We look forward to seeing you.

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