Conditions Treated  Plano, TX

We at Willow Bend Chiropractic in Plano, TX, are a chiropractic clinic in the area. Our chiropractors, Dr. Heptig and Dr. Son, can help treat a wide variety of conditions using the most advanced treatment methods. Chiropractic care is a natural method of care that can help you heal from injuries with non-invasive treatments.

Keep reading for more info on the conditions that we treat and on the treatment methods that we employ at our practice.


    Our chiropractors can help treat many types of pain arising from spine, joint, and soft tissue problems. Among the conditions that we commonly treat at our practice are sciatica, arthritis, shoulder pain, and carpal tunnel.

    Sciatica is a condition involving back pain radiating out of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve can become irritated, which often causes pain and numbness throughout the back and legs.

    We can also help treat patients with arthritis. Our chiropractors can help provide treatment for arthritis of the back and neck.

    We can also help treat shoulder pain and carpel tunnel pain. These conditions often require a combination of different treatments.

    Our Treatment Methods

    Our most common method of treatment is chiropractic adjustment. This treatment can work well for sciatica, as a misaligned spine may be pressing on your sciatic nerve.

    We may suggest exercise therapy to patients who are suffering from shoulder pain and carpel tunnel pain. This may involve a regimen of stretches and exercises that can strengthen tissue and support healing.

    Massage therapy is another treatment method that we can use for soft tissue problems. Massages increase blood flow, which can help injuries heal faster. Massage therapy can also relieve pain.

    We can also provide lifestyle advice to help you to avoid instances of pain in the future. Sometimes, our own actions can be the cause of our pain

    Visit Us for Carpal Tunnel Treatment from a Chiropractor on Our Team

    If you need treatment for any of the conditions listed above, make an appointment today at Willow Bend Chiropractic in Plano, TX. Dr. Heptig and Dr. Son are both trained professionals who can help create a treatment plan that will be effective for your condition. If you want to get more information about the conditions that we treat and the treatments that we employ, call us at (972) 608-4411. Contact us today to make an appointment with a chiropractor on our team for chiropractic treatment.