One of the most common injuries seen here at Willow Bend Chiropractic in Plano, TX are those caused by a work injury. These injuries can be more than merely painful; they can threaten your livelihood and your future ability to work. That is why everyone here at Willow Bend Chiropractic will work to help you get the relief you need to keep working.

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Common Work Injury

A work injury is not as uncommon as you may think. Nor is it as complicated as many insurance companies want you to think. While accidents such as a slip and fall may be the cause of a work injury, something as simple as a chair with poor ergonomic support can also cause problems. Not every work injury is an accident injury. If you sit in that chair for eight hours a day or more, it could be having a severe impact on the soft tissues of your back and neck without you even knowing it.

These types of injuries are often ignored until they reach the point that they are so severe treatment is difficult. In addition, if an injury is allowed to go for too long, your company’s worker’s compensation plan, as well as your insurance company, may refuse your claim. Make sure you address all work injuries as soon as they happen, or symptoms of a problem appear.

How Treatment by a Chiropractor Can Help

Receiving prompt care for these kinds of work injury is essential to returning full function and strength to your body. Treatments such as manual manipulation of the spine, the Active Release Technique, the Graston Technique, Kinesio Taping, and others employed by a chiropractor can relieve tension in the body and help you heal from work injuries.

In addition to the health benefits, seeing a chiropractor early can assist your worker’s compensation and/or insurance claims. By documenting the condition from presentation to the current stage of symptoms, the chiropractor provides you with an essential medical record to corroborate your claim. Even before you are injured it is a clever idea to begin treatment by a chiropractor. Having your bones properly aligned, scar tissue broken up, and soft tissues freed of tension can keep your body working at its peak performance.

Furthermore, in the event that a work injury does occur, you will have a history with your chiropractor showing the health of your back, neck, and soft tissues from before the injury and how that has changed. This can be an indispensable boon to any worker’s compensation or insurance claim. Make sure you are covered if something happens, start working with a chiropractor today to keep your body working at its optimal level.

Schedule an Appointment Today with Willow Bend Chiropractic in Plano, TX Today!

Call Willow Bend Chiropractic at (972) 608-4411 or stop by and see us at our offices in Plano, Texas today to schedule an appointment with our doctors and professional staff.