Your cervical spine is a portion of your spine in your neck and consists of several vertebrae. These bones are separated by gel-like discs that provide cushioning and make movement smoother.  As you age, the cartilage that cushions your bones experiences wear and tear, which can result in upper cervical pain when the space between vertebrae shrinks and nerves become trapped. Along with pain, stiffness can occur, and some people experience headaches or numbness and abnormal sensations in their shoulders and arms. This is a condition known as cervical spondylosis or cervical osteoarthritis. A related condition is cervical degenerative disc disease.

Cervical spondylosis is common with age (90% of people aged 60 and older have this condition) but can have other causes as well. These include bone spurs, which result when too much bone grows, spinal discs that have become dehydrated, herniated discs, stiff ligaments, and other injuries — whiplash, for example. You may be more likely to develop upper cervical pain if you frequently use those joints. Repetitive motion or heavy lifting can increase the wear and tear on your spine.

Patients are more likely to experience this type of pain if they are overweight and inactive or if they smoke or have a family history of cervical spondylosis. Remaining active can reduce the severity and help your body to recover faster.

Diagnosing Neck Pain

A doctor or chiropractor can diagnose your neck pain using several tools: X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. These scans produce images of your neck and verify the cause of neck pain, whether it’s arthritis or something else. A chiropractor will also examine your cervical mobility and test your strength and reflexes. In some cases, mechanical scans are not necessary for a diagnosis.

Treatment options include treating pain with medication while your neck heals. Ice and heat can also improve symptoms. Physical therapy and massage are effective as well. A few patients may require surgery to treat their upper cervical pain.

Get Help With Your Neck Pain

You don’t need to live with pain. Call Willow Bend Chiropractic in Plano at 972-608-4411 today to schedule an appointment.

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