Half-kneeling, half-standing, twisting from side-to-side, lifting items without bending at the waist, or sitting in one place without moving around, can all contribute to back problems, muscle strains, and neck problems. A chiropractor’s job is to ensure the body is perfectly aligned. What is the proper way to do the things you need to do, without damaging your body? This quick article on Proper Workplace Ergonomics will help you work safely at your job.

What is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics deals with fitting people to their jobs through an evaluation of workplace designs, job tasks, equipment and working environments, and how these factors can and do affect worker’s capabilities and interactions in a workplace setting. The main purpose of ergonomics is to maintain a high level of productivity while reducing work injury and increasing worker gratification.

Proper Sitting and Settings of an Office Workstation

  • Monitor screen should be just below eye contact
  • The body should be centered properly in front of the keyboard and screen
  • Your forearms are to be slightly tilted upward or leveled
  • The lower back must be supported by the back of the chair
  • The wrists should be lifted while typing not resting
  • The legs should be horizontal
  • Your feet should be resting flat on a footrest or on the floor

Exercises in the Workplace

  • Taking regular breaks can prevent neck, back, and leg pain. Start with simple and brief exercises.
  • Do neck rolls, shrug shoulders, rotate ankle in a circular motion, extend legs, do overhead stretches, spread fingers and shake your hands.
  • Give your muscles a good stretch by standing every 45 minutes
  • Take your eyes off the computer screen every 20 minutes and refocus them on an object or look outside a window that is at least 25 feet away.

Come Visit Willow Bend Chiropractic In Plano, TX Soon!

We provide complete chiropractic care to meet your every need. Whether you need a spinal alignment or need to address workplace stress, we are here to help. Our Plano location can accommodate your busy schedule and offer you the convenience of completing your new patient forms online, or by calling Willow Bend Chiropractic at (972) 608-4411 and schedule your examination today.

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