If you have never been to a massage therapist, you may have many questions. Like, how long does a typical session last, is it painful, and do you need to undress? Without knowing the answers to questions like these, you might be a bit uneasy about trying massage therapy. But, at Willow Bend Chiropractic in Plano, TX, we strive to make each visit comfortable and relaxing for you.

Is massage therapy painful?

Different types of massage require different techniques and amounts of pressure. Sometimes you may experience mild pain as the therapist loosens up tight muscles, tendons, and ligaments. If, at any point, the massage becomes painful for you, please ask the therapist to stop.

Do I need massage therapy along with my chiropractic treatment?

Your chiropractor may recommend massage therapy as a part of your treatment as it helps keep your ligaments loose, relaxes muscle tension, and promotes your blood and oxygen to flow. All of this can promote healing.

What do I wear?

We want you to be comfortable during the massage session, so what you wear is really up to you. Many people prefer to remain fully clothed, while others prefer to remove certain clothing items (as long as undergarments are worn).

Do I need to be in pain to get a massage?

Your chiropractor may want to include massage therapy as part of your chiropractic treatment plan to promote healing. But, getting a massage is a great way to keep your muscles loose and relaxed to prevent injuries, especially if you play sports.

How long will I need massage therapy?

It depends on you and your situation. Some patients feel that massage therapy gives them a better quality of life and regularly visit our office. Other patients may be recovering from an injury and only prefer massage therapy while healing.

Massage Therapy in Plano, TX

At Willow Bend Chiropractic in Plano, TX, our chiropractor is trained in massage therapy and uses it as part of our treatments to help you live your healthiest life. Call us today at (972) 608-4411 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor.

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