Sore knees could cause many problems walking or running slowing down your workout, or slowing your daily mobility. If you are one of those people who is always asking others to fetch items for you, most likely you are experiencing some knee issues. Willow Bend Chiropractic in the Plano, Texas area has a full program for knee support.
Knee Problems
In some cases, such as dislocation or tears, surgery may be an option. However, for chronic pain, realigning the hips and back could help quite a bit improving the condition of your knees. Knees have 4 main ligaments and tendons that keep your bones and muscles joints moving and functioning. Your joint has lubricating sacs that make movement easy and painless. Any tear, strain, or change to the fluid in the knee joint will cause pain on movement.
Other types of knee pain include soreness that begins at the spine and moves down your leg. This could be due to the decompression of the spinal cord causing pressure on the nerves by parts of the body that are out of position. Willow Bend Chiropractic combines our knee treatment with an appropriate exercise regimen to return your knee to its best possible condition. Knees work best when they are used, but it is hard to use them if they lock or otherwise resist your movements.
Knee Examination
Our doctors will examine your knee and perform a number of tests. First, they will want a history of your knee pain. Then, they will ask you where the knee hurts. They may ask you to stand, walk, and balance on one leg. The doctor may gently pull or push the knee to check the condition of the main anterior and posterior ligaments. The chiropractor will check on your lateral ligaments by moving your calf forward and back. By using a combined approach of chiropractic adjustments and exercise, we will assist you in restoring your knees to optimum function.
So, if your knees are causing you discomfort, give our office a call today at 972.608.4411. Our professionals are ready to assist you to return to a more normal lifestyle.