Plano is especially beautiful in spring and the great weather often calls us outdoors. If you are planning on tackling some yard work, be sure that your body is ready for the added activity, especially if you haven’t been too active this winter! The staff at Willow Bend Chiropractic love spring and the many opportunities it brings to spend time outside!

Planning on Doing Some Gardening and Yard Work? Check Out these Tips and Stay Pain-Free

In order to avoid muscle pain and injury, be sure to stretch before you get to work outside. Remember to always lift with your legs, never your back. If you are going to be planting and weeding and stationery or crouched over for a period of time, be sure to take enough breaks to avoid soreness and stiffness.

  • Stretch your legs by grabbing the back of your ankle and bending your leg upward to give a good stretch, hold this position for 15-20 seconds and then switch to the other leg. This is a great stretch if you are going to be kneeling down to do some planting!
  • Keeping the lower back limber can help to avoid unnecessary injury. Interlace your fingers, with your palms upward, and stretch your spine as much as possible. Being mindful of your balance, raise your interlocked hands above your head and then slowly sway to each side. This is a great stretch to get the blood pumping throughout the upper body.
  • If you overdo it, you might have some muscle aches and pains at the end of the day. Simply apply an ice pack to the affected area throughout the day while also resting that area of your body.

Get In Touch With Our Local Chiropractor Today

Patients in the greater Plano area can rely on Willow Bend Chiropractic to help them stay healthy and active this spring, call us today at (972) 608-4411 to schedule an appointment. We are located at 5904 Chapel Hill Boulevard.

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