If you suffer from pain or require injury rehabilitation, Multiwave Locked System, or MLS Laser Therapy, is an effective treatment option for patients seeking chronic pain relief or have issues with back pain or joint pain. We also use this treatment method for injury rehabilitation for soft tissue injuries.

Your chiropractor in Plano is excited to offer this treatment method that utilizes low-range wavelengths that reduce swelling and inflammation as well as edema and other symptoms that contribute to your pain. Our team is highly trained in many of today’s most advanced treatment modalities and we are proud to be able to offer our patients compassionate and effective care to meet their chronic pain and injury rehabilitation needs.

Do You Suffer From Back Pain or Joint Pain?

We offer our patients comprehensive pain management options that include MLS Laser Therapy, an effective method for treating chronic pain. Our Plano Chiropractor facility offers comprehensive treatment for ailments such as:

  • Back pain
  • Neck, shoulder, and soft tissue injuries and pain
  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Sports injuries
  • Swelling following a major surgery
  • Chronic pain in all areas of the body
  • Degenerative disk disease

If you suffer from any of these conditions and are seeking a drug-free and non-invasive treatment option that is effective, MLS Laser Therapy can help you feel better and move toward living a life that is free from pain! We offer our patients comprehensive pain management treatment that is an effective choice in natural care. Patients who are suffering from chronic pain can benefit from MLS Laser Therapy as part of a comprehensive pain management regimen. In addition, this treatment providing effective pain management, it can help to hasten the repair of tissue damage associated with injury.

Learn More about MLS Laser Therapy as an Effective Pain Management Treatment Method

Call Willow Bend Chiropractic, your chiropractor in Plano today at (972) 608-4411 to schedule an appointment for chronic pain relief and injury rehabilitation. Our center is conveniently located at 5904 Chapel Hill Boulevard.

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