Many types of lower back pain can be traced back to problems with the intervertebral discs that separate the vertebrae, allow for movement in the spine, and absorb the impact associated with routine movement. These discs are tough and fibrous on the outside in the area referred to as the annulus fibrosus, and they have a gel-like interior known as the nucleus pulposus.
For the most part, the intervertebral discs perform their functions admirably, but various types of injuries can cause damage to one or more of them. When that happens, back pain generally results due to impingement or irritation of the nerve root that emerges from the spinal column in the area of the damaged disc. For this type of pain, professional chiropractic care provided by your Plano chiropractor can often help remedy the situation and provide back pain relief.
Herniated Discs vs Bulging Discs
Disc problems like this can take several forms. While people often use the terms “herniated” and “bulging” when referring to a damaged disc, those two conditions are not identical. They do share some similarities, however, including the types of symptoms they can produce. These include anything from numbness or tingling to disabling pain.
The difference between herniated discs and bulging discs centers on the condition of the outer fibrous layer. When a disc is bulging, its annulus fibrosus is intact but distorted, with a bubble extending beyond the normal margins of the disc. This stretching of the disc also allows for compression of the joint at that point, meaning that the nerve roots have less space to travel through and can often be interfered with by the vertebrae on either side or by the disc itself.
A herniated disc is similar, but it also includes a tear or rupture of the outer fibrous layer that has allowed some of the nucleus pulposus to leak out. This fluid can irritate nerve endings, and it also leads to the problem of restricted space for the nerve to travel through.
Back Pain Relief through Professional Chiropractic Care
While it’s important for your chiropractor in Plano to make an accurate diagnosis, proper chiropractic care programs for both herniated and bulging discs follow similar trajectories. The initial visit may revolve around examining the injured area and utilizing techniques designed to provide back pain relief and reduce inflammation. Once those immediate concerns have been addressed, your follow-up appointments will include more manual adjustments intended to maintain proper alignment and promote healing.
So, if you’re ready to free yourself from lower back pain, call our offices today at (972) 608-4411 to schedule an appointment.